Ladder Helix
Helix Ladder details
Crescent Wave (detail)
  Tree Ring/Open Heaven  Aluminum, Pine trees and Steel 90” x 42” x 42” 2017
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  Jacob’s Ladder  Steel and Forged Brass  49” x 12” x 7” 2016
  Jacob’s Ladder  74” x 24” x15” 2016
  Twins  Burnt pines, stone and steel 10’ x 4’ x 2’ 201 4
Offerings Bronze, wood, stone & mustard seed 50"x22"x23'' 2008
  New Growth   Bronze, Stone and steel  55” x 70” 23” 2006
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  Fruitful  Pine, Bronze and Steel 84” x 43” x  23”  2006
  The Fruit Will Come   Steel, Stone and Wood  58” x 30” x 15” 2002
  Sprouts   Steel and Wood  54’’ x 48’’ x  12”  1999
  Playfulness   Brass, Steel and Stone  94” x  17” X  14”  1997
  Sequential Permutations    Steel, Wood and Stones 84” x  55”  x  30” 1984
  Abacus III   Steel, Wood and Stones  108” x 67” x 18”  1985
   Sculpture Installation   Steel and Wood  6’ x 6’ x  6’  1988
  Grove   Steel and Stones  4’ x 6’ x 6’   1984
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